AMD Interview questions - Physical Design
(1st round -- 45 minutes)**
1) Introduce myself.
2) Operation of MOSFET.
3)Types of MOSFET.
4) What is the difference between BJT, MOSFET and CMOS.
5) Why CMOS.
6) Why cmos for low power applications.
7) Basics questions on current equation of MOSFET.
8) basic questions on layers of MOSFET.
9) What is threshold voltage.
10) some questions on equation of threshold voltage.
11) PVT parameters.
12) what is the secondary effects.
13) Voltage divider rule.
14) series circuit operation.
15) parallel circuit operation.
16) oscillator operation.
17) universal gates.
18) Realization of XOR and XNOR using NAND and NOR gates.
19) Which has highest area NAND or NOR and Why.
\20) ASIC vs SOC.
1) Introduce myself.
2) Operation of MOSFET.
3)Types of MOSFET.
4) What is the difference between BJT, MOSFET and CMOS.
5) Why CMOS.
6) Why cmos for low power applications.
7) Basics questions on current equation of MOSFET.
8) basic questions on layers of MOSFET.
9) What is threshold voltage.
10) some questions on equation of threshold voltage.
11) PVT parameters.
12) what is the secondary effects.
13) Voltage divider rule.
14) series circuit operation.
15) parallel circuit operation.
16) oscillator operation.
17) universal gates.
18) Realization of XOR and XNOR using NAND and NOR gates.
19) Which has highest area NAND or NOR and Why.
\20) ASIC vs SOC.
(2nd round --- 45 minutes )*
1) Introduce myself.
2) Complete PD flow.
3) inputs to the PD tool.
4) Some commands on Innovus tool.
5) what are the end cap cells why its used in placement.
6) what is congestion.
7) Disadvantages of Congestion.
8) How do you transfer clock signal from one domain to other domain ( written test question ).
9) partition algorithm's.
10) memory cascading questions.
11) design of 64 bit FIFO (Written test question).
12) Routing algorithm's.
13) set up time, hold time and metastability.
14) detailed about routing.
15) about project.
16) STA vs DTA.
17) Blocking vs non blocking.
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